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a female small business owner with a moon necklace and a peace sign

Hello There New Friend :)

My name is Angelina and this, as you might be able to tell, is my website. I'm a cusp Gen-Z kid who grew up in a sweet spot in Nebraska. These past few years, I have come to embrace my love for life and drive to make life better for everyone. In this website you will see my passion and knowledge for subjects such as the arts, psychology, writing, fact-based research, and all things magical about our experiences as human beings at this moment in time.

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I love...

Helping people like me

Using techniques grounded in the things I am passionate about, I love helping neurodivergent females like me connect with themselves and their innate magic to live in their life of alignment.

I am lucky enough to offer people my services as an intuitive guide and healer, diviner, and hypnotherapist. 

How I got here...

A large love of learning was instilled in me at an early age by my family. All of us always had piles of books beside our beds that we would rotate through and our holidays were filled with random, chaotic Trivial Pursuit.

Some of the earliest books I remember loving to read were books that gave me a different perspective on something. Things that made me understand how the world worked a little bit better and in a different way.

Through my love of learning how the world works, I came to find a passion in what I consider the root of this question, which is me. And you, of course, us really, as a whole. For a long time, I didn't function well but I didn't really realize that how I was living life wasn't functioning or healthy for me. Then I had to go on a very long and arduous journey to get to know myself, for real for real.

I am driven by learning how individuals function on a personal level because, at the end of the day, we all have to live with ourselves. It is much easier to spread love and positivity if you feel love and positivity towards yourself.

This led me to study Psychology at a university level for 3 years before leaving academia for personal reasons and moving on to self-teaching methods.

Through self-teaching, I have gained certification in Hypnotherapy and further learned about graphic design, social media management, marketing, branding, and writing in different capacities. I am adding new skills to my repertoire all the time, so stay tuned for future services offered!

Let's Connect

I'm always looking for new and exciting opportunities. Reach out today to work with me, collaborate or just talk it out :)

Let's chat soon! 

Connect with me on Instagram @angelina.all.over

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Angelina All Over


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